It has been a year since I last blogged, so I guess I am not a blogaphelic however I would also not say I am blogaphobic, I just usually don’t have much to write about, unless you like to hear gross stuff, which my wife tells me I should not share, so that’s why you have not heard a bloody pussy peep from me. But here I am again, and here you are again reading this, so don’t blame me.
I am off on another mission trip tomorrow, this year it is Nicaragua. The trip is again sponsored by Christian Veterinary Missions, and they do 2 to 3 trips per year to this country, as well as have 2 long term veterinarians that minister there. Our group has 11 people, including 3 veterinarians, 5 vet students, 1MD, and 2 student/assistants. I am especially blessed that 2 of my daughters, Caitlin and Emily, are joining us. This is Emily’s first mission trip, and Caitlin’s and my second trip. Now some people may think that this is a vacation, a nice break from work, but it actually will be work. I really do like my job, and the entire team at GACC, and they must like me because they put up with me and they have not fired me yet (although Kim has probably fired me 1000 times in her mind, but since I can’t read women’s minds – and I have tried but things get weird in there – it does not really bother me). Besides, if they fired me they would not have anyone to nag and make fun of. But the main reason I don’t consider this a vacation is that I don’t really like hot, and this country is hot and humid, like a lobster pot coming to a boil, but without the lobster and butter; it’s like 97 and humid and rains every day. Now my girls like hot weather so this counts as a vacation for them, but if I had to pick, it would be the mountains in winter for skiing and playing, but that is a different trip. So anyway, I just wanted to clarify that this is work so I don’t want to hear any “how was your vacation” stuff when I get back.
So this is just my practice blog so I can get back to writing and get you used to reading me, kind of like building up mental callouses so you can tolerate my blogging, but as I said, don’t blame me because you chose to read this, no one forced you to, and you will be back, kind of like rubber necking at an accident scene, not because you want to, but because deep down, you really like the gross stuff.
I did some exotic animal practice for this trip, so I figured I would show you:
Well I think I am ready now, so time to go pack. I will try to write everyday to let you know how it is going. And if you are gross enough to come back, well don’t blame me.
Dr Mike