Recently there has been a reported and confirmed outbreak of parvovirus in the Fitchburg area. The announcement indicates the outbreak is affecting northern Berkshire and Worcester County. The MVMA (Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association) confirmed this outbreak and indicated their findings and recommendations in the following press release issued June 18, 2013 at 2:09 p.m. to all Massachusetts veterinarians.
PLEASE DO NOT PANIC. As the release below indicates, if your dog is up-to-date on his/her parvovirus vaccination, there is need for awareness but no need for panic. If your dog has been vaccinated for distemper at GACC, our “distemper” vaccine includes immunization against parvovirus. Most veterinarians vaccinate with a vaccine containing immunization against parvovirus, but please contact your veterinarian with any questions or concerns. While no vaccine is guaranteed 100% effective, keeping your pet currently vaccinated and choosing the proper places to socialize or frequent with your pet greatly lowers your pet’s risk of contracting the virus.
We urge all puppy owners whose puppies have not yet completed their distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus, and leptospirosis vaccination series, do not visit areas that potential unvaccinated dogs may frequent until the puppy has received his/her full recommended amount of boosters in the series.
If your pet has been vaccinated for distemper at the GACC, and you are unsure of your pet’s vaccine history, please call us and we will be happy to update you on your pet(s) vaccine status. If you have further questions about parvovirus after reading this blog or following the links provided, please do not hesitate to call our office or contact Dr. Brian Hurley directly at [email protected].
Our distemper vaccination is produced by Merck and provides 5 components of protection: Canine Distemper, (Adenovirus Type 2) Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and we include Leptospirosis for the 5 way protection. For more information about Merck’s Parvovirus vaccinate:
(Copied and Pasted Directly from the MVMA Press Release Dated 6/18/13)
For immediate release
BOSTON – Friday, June 14, 2013 – Officials from the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources’ Division of Animal Health would like to alert dog owners of two significant Canine Parvovirus outbreaks affecting northern Berkshire County and Worcester County. Dozens of dogs have been affected in these two areas, and several have died or had to be euthanized due to severe illness caused by the virus. There are effective vaccines available. Puppies generally require a series of vaccinations while adult dogs may need a yearly booster. All of the dogs that have been infected during these outbreaks had either never been vaccinated, or had only received one vaccine. Animal Health Officials are urging dog owners to check with their veterinarian to confirm that their pets are protected.
Parvovirus primarily infects puppies, but any unvaccinated dog remains susceptible. Dogs usually exhibit symptoms of gastrointestinal illness, including vomiting and diarrhea. Although dogs can recover from the disease if it is detected early and treated aggressively, it can be fatal. The virus is typically spread directly from dog to dog, but it can persist in the environment for several months. Dogs that have been infected and recover can remain infectious for several months. Canine Parvovirus does not affect humans and other domestic animals.
DAR’s mission is to ensure the long-term viability of agriculture in Massachusetts. Through its four divisions – Agricultural Conservation & Technical Assistance, Agricultural Markets, Animal Health, and Crop and Pest Services – DAR strives to support, regulate and enhance the rich diversity of the Commonwealth’s agricultural community to promote economically and environmentally sound food safety and animal health measures, and fulfill agriculture’s role in energy conservation and production. For more information, visit DAR’s website at , and/or follow us at and
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