Well, my body is finally getting use to being in Las Vegas, and now it is almost time to go home.  I had an incredible day at the conference. 

This morning, I sat in on lectures for the gastrointestinal system (stomach and intestines) and the urinary systems (kidneys and bladder).  The best part of coming to a conference is learning information that you can take back home and immediately put into use helping our four legged friends.  This week, including today, I have been reflecting on each day and can think of cases I will be reviewing and utilizing things I have learned.

I met with Dr. Jim Humphries before lunch.  Dr. Humphries is the founder of the Veterinary News Network, PetDocsOnCall.com and the American Society of Veterinary Journalism.  As many of you know, I am an active member in each of these groups.  We were able to sit down and catch up.  The last time I saw Dr. Humphries was during this conference last year.  Tonight, he lectured on Web 2.0 and how this can be utilized by our industry.  Web 2.0 includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogging, etc.  Dr. Humphries and I spoke at length about my social networking.  I was honored to be asked to come and speak tonight during his lecture.  Our late morning chat turned into lunch.

Unfortunately, I could not go to the lecture.  My father had gotten tickets to Penn and Teller tonight.  He could not cancel the tickets, and told me to go ahead and go to the show.  He had gotten us front row seats.  Penn and Teller was great entertainment.  I wish my dad could have been here to enjoy it with me.  Rob, the friend from Massachusetts, went with me.

The afternoon lectures covered diabetes mellitus.  The insulin available to veterinarians have changed multiple times.  I had posted a blog concerning insulin recently.  The lecture was very valuable to get the latest treatments available in diabetes.  The lectures covered the research being done currently, types of oral hypoglycemics, insulin types, dietary management, and goals of treatment.  This was important because we are currently seeing a rise in diabetes in our practice and this information will be invaluable.

Tomorrow is the last day of the conference and I will be heading home.  It is almost midnight here and time to call it a night.  Until tomorrow………