I am getting used to some things. Like driving in Ulaanbaatar. The Lord helped my patience today. We came in a van that seats 10; we had 18; and I was in the seat facing backwards. So I was very patient. Now I need to work on my flexibility: but I am not sure I can bend that far. I guess I need more of that too. So much that I need to learn, so little room, so little time.
My luggage came today. It got lost somewhere in China, but now is found. Amazing Grace! I was able to bring some very nice supplies that were generously donated. The staff here was very happy with all the gifts. A special thank you to Butch from New England Veterinary Supply Co. and Drew from MWI for their donations. I am teaching the team what I can. Today I had a group of 17 veterinary students come through and we taught them how to do a thorough history and physical exam, and treatment plan. Parvovirus is a big problem here so we used 2 sick puppies as our teaching case. I don’t know if they learned much or were just being polite, but I will take polite. The pace is slow, which helps me spend more time with the staff. However there is not enough time to learn much Mongolian, as it is a difficult language. And I am still having problems with English, so I don’t need more confusion.
I do like the food here. Today we had hoisheir, which is a ground meat (please don’t ask what meat, as I don’t know, and it may be best that I don’t know) in a fried dough type covering. It was good. It was not 4 leaf. I like it. A lot. Please don’t tell you know who.
The entire Vet Net team gathers every morning for devotions. I am teaching them some basic Christian principles for 5 sessions. The first one was today. They were polite, as always, and hopefully I did not confuse them too much. Tomorrow we can talk about patience and flexibility. But I need to learn more first, but I think I have already covered that, so I guess it is time to go. Until tomorrow.
God Bless
Dr Mike

