I wish I knew Mongolian. I’m glad I don’t drive here. There must be rules for driving but I have not figured them out yet. Despite the organized chaos, nobody seems to get upset, unless you are from Massachusettes, and then it seems like an instinct, even if you are not driving. Maybe it’s good I don’ t know the language. It is definitely good I am not driving. God is working on my patience, but it’s not happening fast enough. I guess I need more patience.
Today was the first day in the small animal hospital. They have a very good team here, and they are friendly and helpful, which is good when your first patient is a 130lb Bullmastiff named Walter who has a swollen leg and did not want the foreign vet (or anyone else) to touch it. Although the pace here is a lot slower than at home, it does give us lots of time to teach them some practical veterinary medicine skills (like not getting bit by 130lb dogs).
I had my first authentic Mongolian food for lunch: tsuiwan, mantua, and gulyash, which are basically goat and beef with noodles or wrapped in a bread mix; the meat has lots of fat. Please don’ t tell Dr Brian or my wife: one will report me for not eating 4 leaf, and one will put me on strict diet when I come home. I will stay off the scales for awhile.
It is going to take some time to get used to things here. Hopefully they won’t hold my accent against me. Or my back seat driving.
Until tomorrow. God Bless
Dr Mike