The conference is officially over and I will be catching a 11:00 pm flight tonight.

I chose pet behavior as my lecture course today.  Dr. Jacquelin Neilsen was the speaker and an alumni of the University of Florida.  GO GATORS!!  She covered the following topics throughout the lecture series:  Inappropriate urination including spraying, aggression (dominance and fear), compulsive disorders, separation anxiety, storm phobias, and anxiety.  Each behavior was covered with case examples that she has seen in her Animal Behavior Clinic in Portland, Oregon.  The most important discussion for me was when to use drug therapy and what are the drugs currently being recommended.  She was an effective and entertaining lecturer.

While I was sitting and waiting for the next lecture to begin, a veterinarian sitting next to me asked if I was Brian Hurley.  The veterinarian introduced himself and explained he was in Dr. Jim Humphries lecture the night before.  He remembered Dr. Jim mentioning my name and showing our website as part of the discussion.  We had a brief conversation about our website and facebook pages.  Who would of thought I would be recognized sitting in a lecture.

It is now 6:35 pm and I have to finishing packing.  I plan on leaving in a couple of hours for the airport.  I will be back home tomorrow morning and will return to work on my normal schedule on Tuesday.  Look forward to seeing everyone back home.  I have missed my family!!!!